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garyD Kingston Trio Alive & Well in MN! (11) RE: Kingston Trio Alive & Well in MN! 10 Feb 99

Well, it's too bad you had the negative impression.. I found them delighful... It is true that their voices aren't quite the quality they had years ago, but whose voices would stick together for 40 years? I appreciated them from the fact they are still great entertainers and they are surely the driving force that got me started into this type of music.. I did very much love the only new song they played "Jocko"...& you are right, it would be nice to have them give more examples of new creations.... but too, it's still expected for them to give us the old standby's too.. We'd be pretty disappointed not hearing those songs for nostalgia's sake.

Meanwhile, you mentioned that you have collected many of their recordings.. I have a friend who had a double CD of String Along/Sold Out... he lost it and really would like to get it replaced. He tried to get it here in Central MN but are unavailable... Is there any of you who can connect me up with anyone who sells such oldies and can get this one.. I'd really appreciate your help.. I owe this friend a lot (got me singing & playing again)...sure would be nice to get it for him...

Finally...still like to hear more KT impressions and impacts.. thanks.. Keep on the Sunny Side, ...Gary

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