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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
John Tune Req: Gentle Annie (Stephen Foster) (32) RE: Looking for Music to Gentle Annie ? Scottish 27 May 97

Hi Don,

I was seeking a very different song - the fragments which I can remember go:

Oh the harvest time's come Gentle Annie, And your wild oats are all scattered o'er the field, You'll be anxious to know Gentle Annie, How your little crop of oats is going to yield.

Oh your mutton's very sweet Gentle Annie....

...And you'd better put a fence round those cabbage....

...And he stole some knives and forks the other day....

I will bid you adieu Gentle Annie, For I know with you I can no longer stay, Yes I'll bid you farewell Gentle Annie, And I'll meet you on another washing day.

This is not a modern song and I know nothing of its origins.

Regards John

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