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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GaryD Kingston Trio Alive & Well in MN! (11) RE: Kingston Trio Alive & Well in MN! 14 Feb 99

Thanks for the input...It is a pity that with most groups that go on for a long time, that there is the politics and conflict that you described... I try to get beyond that to listen to the music..and appreciate their creative efforts. Your thread reminds me of groups who have had even a worse time of it, like the platters, who can't even use the original name..from what I've heard some of the new platters aren't even black!... and of course we can't forget the Lone Ranger, who lived in Minneapolis and is forbidden by law to wear his mask!... (His sunglasses just doesn't do it).. Does that kind of problem lesson the impact of what went before?.. I think not... Of course it does bring a screeching halt to the person who can't use the name, which is the pity.

PS... still looking for someone out there who can locate or sell me the double CD String Along/Sold Out.. Even used would be okay if in good condition.. You may contact me on my personal page using GaryD, if you wish.

Keep on the Sunny Side... Gary

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