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liza Opinons on pick-ups for acoustic guitar (52* d) RE: Opinons on pick-ups for acoustic guitar 17 Feb 99

...I forget who started this thread, I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

I have a Gibson set up with a Sunrise pickup. $200. It was recommended by a friend with the added comment that Richard Thompson uses one. Never having had a pickup before I was willing to try anything that didn't have that bad "rubberband" sound that I hear on all those under the saddle pickups. (transducer?) It fits in the soundhole, and each string sound can be adjusted by screwing in or out a small threaded bolt (I have had to adjust the sound of the high B & E, they were too strident)

It has a good strong signal, a fairly natural sound, and with no geegaws attached-- I have been happy with it.

However, for concerts when I want the best sound possible, no drums to compete with, I still use my other (better) guitar, and play into a mike.


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