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GaryD Know sources out of print CD's? Kingston 3? (5) Know sources out of print CD's? Kingston 3? 24 Feb 99

I'm looking for sources of CD"s which are out of print. Specifically I'm looking for a double CD of the Kingston Trio String Along/Sold Out produced by Capitol about 1992. It is apparently no longer available, but someone out there may have a copy they will sell me, or know of a used record/CD company. One of you out there has offered to kindly record their mono records that that the CD came from, & I may have to go with that. But it would really be nice to get the CD, if possible.

It is for a friend who got me started playing & singing again & I owe him a lot.

For information, I did contact Tower Records who were not able to help, & I even have communicated with one of the present members of the trio itself & he was not able to help me with the old recordings... So, how about it? Any help? thanks, Gary

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