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GUEST,yum yum Help: When is it plagiarism? (27) RE: Help: When is it plagiarism? 08 Dec 01

In 1981 I penned a ballad and entered it into the new composed ballad section in the local fleadh. I got to the 'All Ireland' with it (maybe I should mention, I BORROWED the air from another ballad) Two years later I was sitting in a pub at a singing weekend and this guy starts to sing it. I was so chuffed I ordered a pint for him and when he finished the song I got up to give him it. As I drew near I over heard someone ask were he got it from, only to hear him reply "Oh its something I wrote a few years ago." Needless to say he didn't get the pint. THAT'S called PLAGIARISM!!! To end the story, I stopped him later that evening when he was on his own and again asked him about the song. When he gave me the same reply I said, "Great song, strange that it's word for word the same as one I composed a few years ago." After begging me not to tell anyone, I got the free pint!! THAT'S called GRATITUDE!!!

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