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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
marty D BS: John Walker. What to do? (159* d) RE: BS: John Walker. What to do? 13 Dec 01

I was sorely tempted to try and be number 99 in the "99 ways to use Duct tape", but this discussion (if I do say so myself) has gotten very interesting.

Doug, this may well be the most 'open war' we've ever fought, but if the administration aren't hiding 90% of their operation they'd be total idiots. Those press conferences are an absolute joke. I've barely seen one straight answer to anything that hadn't already made the papers the day before. We still no virtually NOTHING that's happening over there. John Walker is no more than an irritant right now. The LAST thing the administration wants is hundreds, or probably thousands of Americans marching in support of leniency for this turkey. No, maybe he doesn't deserve to die for being sucked in by religion, and maybe he doesn't deserve to die for being part of the war, but I know for certain that he doesn't deserve to be turned into a celebrity (with all that money from book deals and movie rights) which is EXACTLY what will happen in the next few months. It makes me ill. Especially when I think of those who DID die in September.

If I were the CIA, I'd say he slipped on a banana peel and died while in custody! Well maybe I wouldn't, but it feels good to THINK it.


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