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GUEST,Knox Mix Lyr Req: Edward (31) RE: Lyric Request: Edward 13 Jan 02

Burl Ives Songbook has a version of the Edward Ballad under the title, Edward. It "was collected in the southern Appalachian Mountains by the English scholar Cecil Sharpe."

A version which appears to be the basis for Edward and Edward Ballad is in The World's 1000 Best Poems (10 small volumes), Funk & Wagnalls copyright 1929. There it is claimed to have been translated by Algernon Swinburne from Finnish. The last line is "When God shall judge between the quick and the dead, O dear mither". I take "quick" to mean "living". "The Quick and the Dead" was the title of a book or movie, if I remember correctly.

I am an infrequent visitor but I will check back occasionally to see if anyone is interested in the version I have.

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