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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted Lyr Req: The False Fly (58* d) Lyr Add: THE FALSE FLY 13 Mar 99

Anyone know the missing line on the last verse. This is track 7 on Donal Lunny's album "Coolfin" sung by Maighread Ni Dhomhnaill. I have looked high and low for this song.

Thanks, Mary.

Oh where are you going
Said the false false fly
to the lovely little child on the road
I am going to me school
said the lovely little child
she was only but seven years old.

What have you in your bag
Said the false false fly
To the lovely little child on the road
Me bread and me books
Said the lovely little child
She was only but seven years old.

Oh will you come along with me
Said the false false fly
To the lovely little child on the road
I won't come along with you
Said the lovely little child
She was only but seven years old

I will give you a ball
Said the false false fly
To the lovely little child on the road
Ah then you'd be lord of all
Said the lovely little child
She was only but seven years old

What is rounder than a wheel
Said the false false fly
To the lovely little child on the road
The earth is rounder than a wheel
Said the lovely little child
She was only but seven years old.

What is higher than the sky
Said the false false fly
to the lovely little child on the road
Heaven is high than the sky
Said the lovely little child
She was only but seven years old.

What is deeper than the sea
Said the false false fly
to the lovely little child on the road
Hell is deeper than the sea
said the lovely little child
She was only but seven years old

Then he went on _____ ___________
to the false false fly
with the lovely little child on the road
Twas the devil in disguise
Said the lovely little child
She was only but seven years old.

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