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bluedragon BS: The HIGH cost of 'Free' Speech in USA (20) RE: BS: The HIGH cost of 'Free' Speech in USA 20 Jan 02

Cead mile faltie... well i dont actuly speak much Irish but hello my unkown friend, i think your A lateral guy, and i think a impressive guitarist, just read through A FEW OF YOUR OLD E-MAILS, and was quite amused. but I dissagree with America in it's reaction to 9/11, i think also if you truly belived what you said about the struggle for freedoom of speech and democracy being intwined in the active search for it, then youll understand that the oppressed poeple of palestine are the freeist people alive. America is a great nation as is britain... but the desire for control and influnce in the name of self gradisment, is fleeting and perishable, the world deserves more benighn leaders than what is on offer........Kofi Annan for president of the World!!!

Carpe Deim Bro

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