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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
mountain tyme Fly Fishing (24) RE: Fly Fishing 18 Mar 99

Livin back here in a ravine there is a virgin trout stream running about a mile thru my domain, an with my old ratchet reel and split bamboo rod I've had some pretty good times. About gloaming it gets so hard to see I set aside the flys an bait up with flour and herbs and start pickin the banjo. Now the bats hang around like flys as long as I don't stop playin the banjo. The long leg Herrons which usually hang around my pond eating crawfish go airborn at the site of anyone, but will come about a half mile from the pond to the banjo and walk right up to ten or fifteen feet and set down and listen so's long as I don't stop playing. Other than wanting to share this ever entertaining event with other banjo playing Mudcatters my intent is to draw the attention of 49 (_o^^o_) cats to learn him the simple method of catching Herrons so's he can put a feather in his cap. Also using the bait mentioned above the trout are in effect pre-seasoned. Hint....Depending on the humidity, Kieth & Stanley seem to work as well as Scruggs.

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