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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
BillyJ Favorite irish session experiences (10) RE: Favorite irish session experiences 19 Mar 99

while workimg on Aranmore off the coast of Donegal we took the ferry across, at this time i was learning guitar, and still rather vulnerable to criticism (45 years old learner) The pub owner Phil Bann say my guitar in the back window of the motor on the ferry. Later that night when in the pub he held up a notice musicians welcome. Now there were 10 people in this little bar at 10 oclock at noight and i felt i could not play, but while at the bar it turned out there were 4 Frenck men off a visiting yacht a french and german hiker and three visiting tourists from england and scotland with only 1 local leaning precariously against the wall. I decided my opportunity as if i started to sing no one would know what i was singing about. when i started after 1 song the french hiker asked could he do a number, and so the nighy continued with about 40 people crammed in our corner and my guitar getting well used. When the music man arrived Brian Galligher he popped his head in and said you dont need me yet, so we continued till after 1 oclock when he returned and i was allowed to reposses my guitar a fabulous night and tottaly unexpected

Billy J Co Antrim

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