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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
folkmonster Lyr Add: Let Me Down Easy (Ralph McTell) (2) Lyr Add: LET ME DOWN EASY (Ralph McTell) 28 Feb 02

How can I say it
It's just something I feel way down inside
So hard to begin to try to explain it
But something's gone wrong
You're unable to hide

CHORUS: Let me down easy, baby
Be so kind as to let me down slow
Let me down easy, baby
It's so hard to let go

We are not drifting
Not with one of us still left holding the line
And the wind that has moved you set your sails lifting
Blows cold on the one who got cut loose behind

How can I say it?
It's just something I know from way down inside
No use for you to try to conceal it
Its enough for me to know that you tried


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