My name is Crunchie... there's a funny (IMHO) story behind it...
"Crunchie" is the brand name of a chocolate candy bar (similar to a Butterfinger-type) that is made and sold in Ireland and in Irish shops and import stores here Stateside. I am an American-born Irishman and as such was not introduced to much of my people's culture until I was older. I found Crunchie, ate one and loved it... then I met Noel, an import from Dublin. When he saw me eating a Crunchie one day, he made a face and said, "UGH! ye eight those?" (approximation of his thick brogue). A week or so later, I was priviledged to meet Orla, his sister. Noel said, "This is O'Malley... he eights CHRUNCHIES!" She replied (in the EXACT same manner complete with face and brogue) "UGH! Ye eight those?" From then on, they and most of my other frinds have referred to me as...
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