What a wonderful diversity of input! My thanks to everybody -- I've certainly learned from the discussion. Here's my progress so far...There is clearly a thumpick shortage here in Jacksonville -- I've been to several shops and found mostly empty bins where the little buggers are supposed to be. I found some nameless, light weight, colorful blue ones, which I like because of the weight and flexibility -- they fit without heating and bending, and as "passable" after some filing and clipping. The heavier Zookies I found are better in some picking situations (strait-forward, constant pattern), but I have a hard time with them when I change patterns mid-tune or need to back-pick. I think the pick with the little protuberance in the middle is the Kelly Speed-pick. I'd like to give it a try but haven't found any yet. I've tried the Alaska Pick on my fingers and didn't much care for them, but am willing to try it on the thumb if I can find one big enough -- I have fairly large hands and large fingers to match.
My greatest lesson is that after all is said and done, I want my thumb nail back! I'm trying a nail strengthening herbal pill from my local vitamin shop. This is the first time in 10 years I've done enough damage to the nail to require a surrogate. While I like some of the percussiveness of the picks, I just can't do as much as I can with the bare thumb. At any rate, it ought to make for an interesting set or two at the WIll McLean Festival this weekend...back to work now...