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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
MissMac Music therapy (83* d) RE: Music therapy 31 Mar 99

Thanks Night Owl for starting this thread. I started my journy into healing/helping with music as a caregiver in a large carehome. First I noticed quickly that there was always a radio on and that the mood in the place and the clients responses varied depending on what was playing. That just sat at the back of my head for a long while because I was shy. The second thing I noticed was that one of my younger charges who was blind with C.P(Cerebral Palsy) and other limiting conditions hated bath time but if I sang a song any song using her name instead of the lyrics she would calm down and smile through her bath. These two observations as well as watching the company entertainer when he was on duty started me thinking that I would like to meet more that the phyisical needs of the population I worked with. Nine years later I relized that goal and now have been working as a hands on musican for a year. I find it hard to know how to document my work. L enjoyed music today just isn't enough but I don't have the words to use other than discribing actions and that is only half the picture. Maybe some of you trained Music Therapists could give a little advice to a novice???

I look forward to laughing and crying along with this thread for a while


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