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Greycap Lyr/Chords Req: Hills of Old Juarez (Tom Russell) (11) ADD: Hills of Old Juarez (Tom Russell) 23 Mar 02

Hey, Folks, I survived last night with the help of Glen Niven whiskey, it's not so bad today.
Here we go - chords later:
Apologies to Tom Russell if my Spanish spelling is crap,

(Tom Russell)

I lost my mind 10 years ago a-wandering through the world
Let's cut right to the quick, I met me a dark-eyed girl
I was living in El Paso with a woman named Inez
We'd stare out every evening at the hills of old Juarez

Inez, she had a Grandaddy, who owned a dry-goods store
He'd climb up on his roof each night, watch Pancho Villa's wall
'Jack Pershing came with silver guns, for Villa' Grandad says
'But Pancho, he went underground in the hills of old Juarez'

Those rollin' smoky hills of old Juarez
Those godforsaken hills, they will lure you to your death
Beware the dusty hills of old Juarez

'There's gold in them there hills' so said a man with a broken tooth
We could run some cocaine powder right on by the customs booth
I was broke, I needed money to pacify Inez
So I started doing business in the hills of old Juarez

The adrenalin & blood boiled up, oh, man ain't this a rush
When you're running through the gunfire in the Aquitillo brush
My partner was a Tee-Ja kid*, straighter than the rest,
But he ratted me and disappeared in the hills of old Juarez
* Tijuana?

A bullet in my back, a bullet in my leg,
Bullets flying by my ears, they taught me how to pray
I prayed I'd reach the riverbank where I had left Inez
But I fell through rock & prickly pear in the hills of old Juarez
Repeat chorus

The narcotrafficonte boys, they own the borderline
Fat cats up in Washington listen, moan & whine
I'm in Huntsville prison, dreaming of Inez
She's waiting for me there in the hills of old Juarez
Final chorus.

That's it, I'm outa here with the old D-18 to get the chords.
Back tomorrow with those.
Have a good weekend, all of you.
'Reduced-teeth Roger' from England

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