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GUEST,maryrrf Music at Glastonbury 5-7th April 2002? (7) RE: Music at Glastonbury 5-7th April 2002? 01 Apr 02

Well, I envy them because I went to Glastonbury last May and I'm dying to go back - and I will sooner rather than later. There are lots of places with live music there but I didn't find much with folk or trad. There's an excellent pub called the King Arthur that has a singer on Wednesday nights - his name is Brian. (It's just a couple of blocks from the cross at the center of town.) The audience demands a lot of John Denver, Country/Western, etc. but he does traditional songs too if he is asked. Hope your friends enjoy the trip! I enjoyed the cider (Scrumpy, or something like that, I think it's called!) and the Somerset Cream Teas!

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