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GUEST,maryrrf Lyr Req: As I Roved Out (17) RE: Lyr Req: As I Roved Out 03 Apr 02

Well, Tommy Makem recorded it with several verses - the old story of the soldier meeting the maid, he comes to sneak in the house at night, the mother wakes up, beats the daughter with a hazelstick, the daughter begs the soldier to marry her and he announces he's already married, then ends with "A pint at night is my delight and a gallon in the morning". As a matter of fact I think I recorded it on a tape and it might be on Kate Akers site Cantaria at . I can't remember how to do the clicky and I'm at work so can't mess around with it now. If somebody can do the clicky I'm pretty sure it's there with the lyrics.

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