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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Truthtroller BS: Why do Americans need Guns now? (133* d) RE: Why do Americans need Guns now? 14 Apr 02

I listen to you people talking away ... and just cant seem to get out of my mind that scene in Deliverance where the guy is tied to the tree and about to get his ass creamed when along comes Burt Reynolds with a high power bow!!! now that's a weapon. Takes a 'man' to pull one of those.Now you 'good ol boys 'go on playing with your fiddlesticks. Banjoest.. where do you work .. high school?? And gun/gnu man you're one sick puppy.... trouble is no one seems to realise it???. Remember, this is your penis, this is your gun.

"Don't mess with americans and their firearms. Why, each spring millions of firearms are blessed in Easter ceremonies... "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah no please stop please hahahahh no please do stop it's funnier than the bumper stickers. I've got to go and check my kids are safe. We've got fundamentalist christians moving in across the street and they want to play.


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