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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Don Meixner Why aren't the Corries taken seriously (95* d) RE: Why aren't the Corries taken seriously 13 Apr 99

Actually, I was going for the cheap laugh. You probably cn't guess from my other comments in this thread that I also like my poems to rhymn. Rudyard Kipling was first shown to me in the Robert Heinlein novels and in Trouble on Titan ,author escapes me. The frontice piece was the opening stanza of the Ballad of East and West. I first read Kim when I was 12. Kipling still amazes me. Gordon Bok sings the poem The Seawife to a tune I can now barely recall but RK's imagery in that piece is still gripping.

" And whether they lose to the naked knife or win their hearts desire, It all goes back to the weary wife who nods beside the fire."

I am also a Banjo Patterson, Robert Service, Noyes, Causley, Clarke, and Harte fan. But hell, you all probably guessed that by now.


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