Amazin,ah wis jist thinkin aboot the Curly Hetchins bikes wi' curly back end.Fae whit a can mind is that these were track bikes an' the reason for the funny chainstays wis so ye could get a bit o' whip effect. Ah had a wee bike shop here in Newfoundland for a while daein repairs an' buildin bikes oot o' whit a could scrounge up.It is terrible the wie youngsters treat their bikes these days.For a stert they never clean them an' afore ye know it they are rustit oot. Eventually ah gave it up as the cost o' these fancy new mountain bikes yer micht as weel get anither ane. Dae ye mind the "Dawes Clansman"?Yon wis a bonnie bike bit wis maistly for show.It wis covered wi' tartan decals an' thistles an' stuff.Anither builder wis Ernie Worrall in Hamilton.Ane o' the cheapest lightweight frames wis a FREJUS",ah built a few usin them. Noo that ah've gied it up ah hae a shed fu' o' bike pairts,ye can hae them for naethin if ye jist cairt them awa.ljcBTW,yer pic widnae come up.