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TequilaRon (inactive) Lyr Req: Somebody (Else Not Me) (Bert Williams) (26) RE: Lyrics - Somebody else not me 21 Apr 99

Ok, guys maybe I can help you, help yourselves. While driving home this afternoon I think I heard this song on my favorite community radio station. This is WMNF 88.5 out of Tampa. The best little radio station on planet earth and not a member of the Big Brother Broadcasting network. This station can be accessed by computer. the address is . Check out the play list for April 23 between 3:00 and 3:30 p.m. Even if this isn't the right song, you will love this web site. By the way dw I am mightily impressed by your screen name. Well envious actually. I suppose if I were a better person I would look this up for you guys, but since I am a slave to time pressures it will have to be done by (big finish all together now) "Somebody else, not me." Ron

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