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Virginia Blankenhorn Tune Req: sliab na ban (19) RE: sliab na ban 23 Jun 97

If it's any help, I've just posted a longish message on the "Slievenamon" thread that may be of interest to readers of this one. There are indeed two airs to two separate texts -- one in English and one in Irish -- but, like Martin, I don't find either of them at all similar to "The Star of the Co. Down." On the other hand, an Irish friend once remarked that all Irish tunes are basically reworkings of "The Star of the Co. Down" if you think about 'em hard enough.

For those of you who read the other thread...the Year of the French was 1798, not 1796. That's what I get for trusting an oral source (i.e. my husband) rather than looking it up.


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