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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,maryrrf Theme Park 'Folk Music' (28) RE: Theme Park 'Folk Music' 12 Jun 02

Celtic Soul, I had a free ticket last year and went to the Busch Gardens exhibit, it hadn't been opened for very long. I, too, was appalled. I can't help but believe that if a place like Busch Gardens would just go ahead and present authentic Irish music and not crap like "When Irish Eyes are Smilin'" people would enjoy it. But I don't know. I myself have only been partially successful. I've done gigs where I felt like people really appreciated the songs, and they were songs just a little off the beaten track. Afterwards people would come up and say they'd really enjoyed it but they wished I'd have included Tooralooraloora or Molly Malone or god forbid - The Unicorn. I don't understand why people want to have the same familiar overdone songs performed over and over and over - not everybody, of course, but a good portion of the general public. But then again, there are millions of people who frequent MacDonalds, Burger King, and assorted chain restaurants because THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO GET AND IT'S COMFORTING AND FAMILIAR, I guess. Others have a sense of adventure and will take the trouble to listen to a new song or try a new dish. But, I wasn't surprised at the trite superficial way that Busch Gardens did their "Ireland" exhibit. Like you said - it's a theme park and hardly a cultural institution. It's a shame they couldn't have done a little better, though.

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