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Harald Chords Req: Du/lama/n Na Binne Bui (Dúlamán) (8) RE: Du/lama/n Na...need chords 23 Apr 99

Fine Song, isn´t it. I like the Altan version very much.
Dulaman is the name for an Irish sea weed. People sold it and the chorus of the song is what they shouted for advertising. I don´t have the lyrics with me, but I think, what the chorus means is:
Dulaman from the yellow cliff,
Irish Dulaman
Dulaman from the ocean
it is the best from whole Ireland.
At least, that´s what I got when trying to translate it with my little focloir poca, I once bought in Ireland. The rest of the lyrics gets a little bit strange. That will be more likely to answer for our gaeilge Mudcatters.

Slain go fóill, Harald

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