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jets Origins: In Chinaland there lived a great man (64* d) Lyr Add: IN CHINATOWN THERE LIVED A GREAT MAN 18 Jun 02

I remember it as:
    In Chinatown there lived a great man
    His name was Chikety Chikadi Chikedy Dan
    His toes were short and his feet were long
    And this is the way the poor Chinaman would talk.
    Chikeli de li delo, in a chinawa china ki, in a banana go wachi ow.

    Now this china man had plenty of wealth
    He lived in a mansion all by himself
    His neighbors were good and bought him a boat
    And set the poor Chinaman afloat.
    Singing chikli de lie delo, in a chinawa china ki, in a banana go wachi ow.
It has been at least 70 years since I have heard this song, so forgive what errors there may be. Joe

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