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Chris/Darwin Lyr Req: Somebody threw a tomato at him (82* d) RE: Looking for a Song: Somebody threw a tomato at him 03 Aug 02

Isn't it amazing what the folk process does. I learned this one from someone in Port Moresby about 30 years ago. I have made up verses to suit particular gigs.

The original:

To market, to market, went my Uncle Jim
When somebody threw a tomato at him
Tomatoes are soft, and don't bruise the skin
But this one it did, it was wrapped in a tin

I went to my girl friends, her name is Miss Brown
She was having a bath, and couldn't come down
I said "Slip on something, be down in a tic"
So she slipped on some soap, and my God she was quick!

I dreamed I did die, and to heaven did go
"Where do you come from" they wanted to know
When I told them from Moresby (substitute the name you want) they said "come right in"
"You're the first one we've had from that cesspool of sin"

Singing toora li oora li oora li a
Singing toora li oora li oora li a
Repeat last two verses


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