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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,maryrrf BS: Womanly Jiggles. What's the verdict? (193* d) RE: BS: Womanly Jiggles. What's the verdict? 09 Aug 02

Well, I think moderation in all things is the key here - but the "ideal" that is usually held up for women by the media is not average or moderate but skinny. A couple of days ago I saw an advertisement for a weight loss product with a headline of "I went from a size 12 to a size 6!". My question - WHAT'S WRONG WITH A SIZE 12??? That's not huge, it's probably pretty near average. As an American I find it puzzling that from every side we are bombarded with the need to be thin and fit - just look at the magazine covers when you're standing in line at the supermarket - "10 days to flat abs" "Excercises to trim your butt" "Easy low fat recipes" "Drop two sizes in two weeks" - I'd venture that there isn't a woman's magazine on the shelf at any given point that doesn't contain advice on weight loss. The fact remains that even with all this hype and emphasis on thinness, there are a lot of overweight people in the US. Maybe we just need to stop obsessing, because it certainly isn't doing any good! I would classify myself as averagely jiggly and okay with it!

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