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GUEST,maryrrf BS: Which is more scary? (29) RE: BS: Which is more scary? 26 Aug 02

Morty, one question. How much did she cut off? Maybe it could be reshaped by a more skillful hairdresser. Or, if that doesn't work how about revamping your makeup. My latest "do" was quite a bit shorter than I had intended. I found that by playing around with it, experimenting with some hair products, and spiffing up my makeup it doesn't look half bad. I'll still be glad when it grows out a little but now that I've spiked it and added more eyeliner and make sure I wear dangly earrings it looks rather youthful and daring. At least that's what my teenaged kids (both boys) say. Oh and I also reved up the color a little bit - made it redder. But more importantly I'm convinced it looks okay and that's what counts. And the good thing about hair is it does grow, so no haircut is forever!

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