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GUEST,Jim Clark..London..England Lyr Add: Cliches (poem by Jim Clark) (18) Lyr Add: CLICHES (poem by Jim Clark) 02 Oct 02

Heres a spontaneous outpouring from me and my brilliant electronic composer pal Willpower recorded about lifes cliches..... As you get older it increasingly dawns on one that life is just one big cliche isnt it ha ha...and heres the page with the sound file..


Jim Clark... London..England


I kid you not,this life is full of cliches
Always dot your I's and cross your T's
By the way mind your P's and Q's
Never judge a book by its cover

I kid you not this life is full of cliches
Always let sleeping dogs lie
He had a smile like a cheshire cat
Why is it that busses always travel in three's
I before E except after C

I kid you not this life is full of cliches
Always dot your I's and cross your T's
And mind your P's and Q's
And never judge a book by its cover
Always let sleeping dogs lie

I kid you not this life is full of cliches
keeping up with the jones's
The grass is always greener on the other side
Always dot you I's and cross your T's
And mind your P's and Q's

All rights are reserved on this poem and sound recording/copyright/patent Jim Clark/Willpower aka Hyperbole 2002..

'blue clicky thing' added by mudelf ;-)

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