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Mark Roffe Religious (or otherwise) Doorknockers. (BS) (114* d) RE: Religious (or otherwise) Doorknockers. (BS) 21 May 99

When I was young I was rude to Jehova's Witnesses a few times, but as I developed, I found that they were usually pretty nice people to chat with. Nowadays we usually enjoy each other's company and marvel at our acceptance of each other's differences, I take a Watchtower to read (there's usually something thought-provoking in there), and I usually offer my bathroom for a pit stop. I figure it's tough enough going to door-to-door and getting doors slammed in their faces for doing what they believe in, without having to deal with having to go pee at the same time. I figure that even if we don't practice the same details about how to have faith, we're still all just folks in this world together.

Mark Roffe

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