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GUEST,Jim Clark..London..England Symbiotic Suffocation (sound poem song) (3) Symbiotic Suffocation (sound poem song) 19 Oct 02

Heres the incredible singer songwriter poet and bluesman Dave Russell performing his unforgetable "Symbiotic suffocation" in Daves own words Its a song about "Lousy one to one relationships and dubious counselors".....Dave has been performing at acoustic music and poetry venues all over London regularly since the early 1960's....He still performs regularly his 40 years of playing hasnt dimmed his power or enthusiasm...He is a unique performer catch him live in performance if you can...And heres the link to the page with the sound file..
Symbiotic Suffocation (song/sound poem by Dave Russell


Jim Clark...

All rights to this sound recording are reserved/copyright/patent Jim Clark 2002

Symbiotic Suffocation

Symbiotic suffocation,never did no-one no good
Menticidal dessication,turns you to a block of wood
Lance the boils of retribution]
Trash out your psychic pollution

Never get held to the power of one
Never get held to the power of one
Because one is only one
and one is just a fraction of a billion
Its a vulgar fraction

We,re very concerned about your state so we,ve decided to
try you out opn some new medication
Its called Glurpayuccaline It does have some side effects
you will feel frequent drowsiness,and occassional nausea
But we realy do feel you need it.
We also must realy nail down your childhood abuse traumas
To do this we have decided that you need three more
consultation sessions per week..50 guineas per session
and 500 guineas deposit.Credit card will be fine
If you could see the receptionist on your way out,she has
the forms all prapared for you to sign.

You,re nothing without me
Complete non entity; Nothing
Symbiotic suffocatation,never dino-one no good
Menticidal dessication turns you to a block of wood

Lance the boils of retribution
Trash out that psychic pollution
Lift the shutter of your mind
Give yourself to all mankind

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