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GUEST,Ceejay An Spailpin Fanach (7) RE: An Spailpin Fanach 21 Oct 02

Brian, a 'spalpeen fawnach' was really a nomadic labourer or even a seasonal labourer even though 'fánach' does have the meanings of 'wandering'or 'lost'. These were men from the poorest districts of Ireland who walked each year to the wealthier farming areas of the country to get work. There were many tales in the folklore of places like Co Tipperary of the 'cunning tricks played by cunning spalpeens on their good natured employers to avoid working at the pace required or to seduce the heiress to the farm. Of course the spalpeens themselves had their own tales and songs about the incredible feats of strength and endurance of their kind, about the unreasonable demands of the boss and about the farmers' wives or daughters who fell in love with them, (eg 'A Spailpín, a Rún').

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