Well firstly I dont work for Microsoft,though I am available at half of what Bill Gates is earning if they want me... I think you do need to have a (totaly free) Hotmail account with MSN to play the sound files..I've currently got 15 of these wonderful Hotmail addresses as posting sound files in the quantity I do does eat up the allowance of about 30 minutes sound file time under each free passport and I aint spent a penny or a plugged Cent getting them....THEY ARE FREE AS THE AIR FOLKS ..YES FREE..ha ha..and this not an advert for Microsoft (we know tghey are buggers ha ha) its just plain fact.. To listen to the sound files at my site of everything from classic poetry set to music to blues to Irish traditional to singer songwriters etc etc etc.. If you have a fully functioning and compatible default sound player on your PC (The Windows media player or the latest freebie "Real-one player both play wav files (alas the older Real players possibly dont..so just do the free update)...If you have your computer switched onto either of the aforementioned players then to play the sound files having gone to the massive trouble of spending less than 5 minutes registering with MSN and becoming a member of the site)All you should need to do is place your cursor over the wav file at the bottom of each sound page and click...being a wav file and depending how long the track is the file will take upto a few minutes to load and open on your PC,but then it takes time to recieve stuff from your local record dealer doesnt it or by post or by bus and this method is totaly free and you can sip your coffee while waiting ha ha... If your default player isnt compatible(ie Quicktime/older realplayers etc "YUK")..Then "HERES HOW TO OPEN A WAV FILE USING THE PC'S SOUND RECORDER" (1) Place cursor over the sound file at bottom of the sound message/page (2)Click right on your mouse " click on - Save target as" (3) Allow the file to download into a folder (remember which one,its your choice)on your PC (4) When this has been completed - Bring up your PC's sound recorder - which is found on your PC in the Programmes,accessories,entertainment menu section...You then click File,open the wav file you've saved in the folder you placed it in,and now you are ready to play the sound file...All the sound files work at my "acoustic musicians and poets sound archive" If you know how to go about playing them,which can take a moment to learn,but is piss easy once as you've sussed it,and then the internet becomes a veritable cornucopia of sound delights...I know my sound files work as I regularly recieve feedback on them from other websites where i've leftlinks...These recordings are unique..you cant buy them in your record shop they come from my own video and sound archiving activities and Bottleneck Bill is unique too' been playing country blues since the early 1960's,he's not famous like some of the better known,but nowhere near as talented acoustic blues performers,but Bill is a one off,a veritable walking computer capable of reproducing with great authenticity the sounds of blues from nearly all the greats of the acoustic blues tradition....Give him a try..he's worth the journey over to my website where you can hear an ever increasing selection of talented acoustic performers and poets you wont hear anywhere else in the world.. acoustic musicians and poets sound archive Regards.. Jim Clark..London..England..