Ho hum, so many thoughts - all valid. I agree, there is a genuine nostalgie de la boue (that should give Oakleaf something to translate for his new job) about the Sloop, though we all know the parlous state of its future. And I agree about the Ayatollah of Bennettwalah. How about if we do the - part - compromise, and hold, say, the next four sessions at the Carnival, enjoying Gill's sarnies & chips, till we see how the Sloop pans out. If it REALLY looks like it is on for the long term we can always move back, I'm sure they'll be happy yo have their regular Tuesday night bibbers. But it would be a pity if we were to alienate the Carnival folk by returning to a venue which promptly closed after a few weeks. What thoughts, then on a 'suck it and see at the Carnival' (control yourself Oakley!) for the next couple of weeks? All replies in strictest lack of confidence. Love and kisses to all appropriate ones.