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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Uncle Jaque Last Shanty Swap at China Sea-11/23 (Maine) (104* d) RE: Last Shanty Swap at China Sea-11/23 (Maine) 01 Dec 02

We just had 19 Family Members at our Yarmouth quarters for Thanksgiving, and have had upwards of 25 in years past without feeling overly crowded.

Aunt Ma'tha is actually receptive to the idea of hosting a sing-along here some time - I envision something to the effect of the "Circle of Song" get-togethers that Naemansom used to host at his home in Bath, ME.

By re-arranging the furniture in the Parlor as we do for Family gatherings we could get 15 or 20 participants in comfortably, a few more to be "cozy". There is a spinet piano in the Parlor in decent condition which we could have tuned for such an occasion if need be (although it's not too bad now) and 3 whole bathrooms - 2 down and 1 upstairs, as well as 2 spare bedrooms, our Daughter having grown up and moved on.

In warmer weather the 27' motor-home in our driveway will sleep 5 or 6 if they get along together well. We sometimes use it as a little "Guest Cottage" for visitors who like a little more privacy when visiting. We have a porch and deck quite suitable for BBQ in the Summer as well.

Yarmouth, as you may know, is sort of between Portland and Brunswick on the coast, right next (South) to Freeport and right on I-95 and Rt. 1.

Keep it in mind as a possible option, eh?

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