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Rita64 Any other Irish set dancers out there? (5) RE: Any other Irish set dancers out there? 09 Jun 99

Hey Annraoi -

Would love to be there at the music club - unfortunately rough seas do separate me from Ireland's shore. Sniff sniff ... I'm in Sydney Australia.

I belong to one of the two set dance groups in Sydney. We are taught by young Michael John Hand of Dublin, his speciality being the battering steps. Our favourite sets are the Plain, the Cashel, the Roscommon, the Cuil Aodha and anything else as long as the music is lively! We have performed at festivals, pubs, clubs, parks and often jump up at sessions. I just feel so energised and invigorated by the dance - I will have to visit Ireland soon and steal some ideas ... I mean, enhance my style and expand my repertoire of dances.


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