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The Mudcat Cafesj

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GUEST,Bloke in the Corner Barton (Lincs) sessions Xmas/New Year (4) Barton (Sloop) sessions Xmas/New Year 20 Dec 02

Just to let any potential visitors to the excellent and highly anarchic session in the Sloop, Barton on Humber, North Lincs - usually held on a Tuesday - that they will be switching to Monday over the Xmas/New Year, so as not to clash with Christmas Eve/New Years Eve. So that's the 23rd Dec and 30th Dec.
If you are within striking distance do come, they promise to be well attended and there are no rules or rulers. Some people who come are really talented, the music tends perhaps towards the traditional, but there's some self-penned music, and even modern-ish songs sometimes. Also, the acoustics are excellent, all inhabitants are friendly, the beer is good and pizza comes round at ten o'clock. Try it, they promise to be good times.

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