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Dear All,

Thanks for the suggested remedies, although as I have heard of very few (except Slippery Elm and Agrimony) they may not be available in the UK. I own up to having a sweet tooth but no great liking for alcohol and by asking for a non-alcoholic remedy I merely meant to avoid getting the advice to drink hot whisky! (I need to stay sober if trying to sing as my pronounciation would be otherwise even worse).

As something of an amateur meteorologist (ie weather watcher), I can state that in Northern Ireland this has been the wettest year in the 1961-2002 period, and our problem is usually too much rather than too little humidity, which normally exceeds 80%, probably more in winter months. This December though (December is usually among the wettest months, eg December 1999 was the wettest month of any name in the last 42 years) has been actually rather dry). As someone once said, colds are got from people, not by getting cold! Apparently farmers as a group (who spend a lot of time outdoors) have more colds per head of population than the general population.

IAN RIPPEY 28.12.2002

Having got that (if unfortunately not yet the cough!) off my chest I was slightly disappointed that no-one has yet made any suggestions about types of songs, etc, although it is probably my own fault for going on about coughs, etc, beforehand.
However there is plenty of time yet.

IAN RIPPEY 28.12.2002

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