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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Susan Origins: Senor Don Gato (299* d) RE: Tune Req: Senor Don Gato 05 Jan 03

I have been sitting here having a blast reading what everyone has written about Senior Don Gato. I learned it in 3rd grade (1968) when my family moved to Frisco Colorado. The kids in my class had been singing it since kindergarten. Over the years I've had that wonderfully crazy tune in my head trying to remember all the words. A couple nights ago I tried to write them all down without luck so I thought I'd give the internet a shot not expecting much. Wow, I just couldn't believe all the Don Gato fans. This is great. I had the same teacher all through elementry and high school, everyone called her Mrs."A" or "mom". We always sang Don Gato, especially on Fridays. Even when we were in high school, she'd break into Senior Don Gato every once in awhile and all of us that grew up there would follow lead, leaving the newer students wondering what was going on. Oh what great memories. Thanks you guys.

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