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Uncle Jaque Fiddles from the Farmhouse Attic. (21) RE: Fiddles from the Farmhouse Attic. 07 Jan 03

I called the Portland Conservatory of Music, who put me on to their Violin / Cello Instructor, a Ms. Julia Eiten.
She uses Robert MILLER in South Portland,(207)799-8909 for her instrument adjustments.

I called, got his answering machine, & left a message.

Then I found Anne CURE Violins in Falmouth, much closer to home; (207)781-8082.

I called, got their answering machine, & left a message.

But then, I have for years occasionally heard of a fellow even closer in Freeport, who was supposed to have a pretty good reputation, but I hadn't seen any of his ads recently. Finally, digging through the Brunswick Yellow Pages, I found him; "Kevin" of "Frost Gully Violins" (207)865-0818.

So I called him... you guessed it... BUT he was the first (and so far only)one to actually return my call!

Kevin lives about as far off the beaten path as one can get in Freeport, but gave directions so I think that when the violins get down this way we will take them to him for an evaluation. If they are going to cost more to restore than they are worth, I may take a crack at one of them under the "What've we got to lose?" clause. No doubt there are books available on the subject, and I know of no better way to learn such a craft than diving right in.

Kevin warns us that attics really do a job on fine instruments, and that a lot of the damage is not all that obvious, but still devastating. Oh well; we'll see, I suppose.

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