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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
vindelis The New Star Session R.I.P. PELs (55* d) RE: The New Star Session R.I.P. PELs 10 Jan 03

We (eight musicians - it was twenty-seven for the Christmas session) did have a final session in the skittle alley of the New Star. to say that it was bleak, was a bit of an understatement. Meanwhile the remaining customers, (all six of them) which for a wednesday is good, spent the evening pouring over the small print, of a certain document from WPBC, looking for loop-holes. £220 might not sound a lot to some. But with The New star's turn-over? I know that the Local Town Mayor is not to blame - he lives opposite. I hope I don't have to travel too far in furture.

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