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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
winterchild BS: hello hello (30) RE: BS: hello hello 15 Jan 03

Here's another question;

I don't actually have the guitar yet ('tho I've started hand exercises), I've got the money saved up, and I've been looking at guitars in music and pawn shops, asking questions, so I know a little more about guitars than I used to, but what kind of things do I look to _avoid_ in a guitar?

I mean, say I find one cheap in a small country pawn shop, and the folks there don't know anything about guitars. It doesn't seem to be cracked or warped, the neck looks straight when I look down the body end-on like one would do to check arrows, but I don't really know if I'm maybe missing something. I'm not good anymore at tuning (it's been 25 years, ferchissake), so if I tune it I can't be sure that will tell me anything.

Can anyone give me some advice?


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