AAAaah So! Thank you muchly; I thought that she was some sort of Folk Singer I should know about, but didn't, and was not thinking political celebrity at all, so didn't make the connection. From where I saw this photo, (a fairly conservative web site) I would not be surprised if it is a doctored "spoof" of her, now that you mention it - but they did a really good job of it, as it sure fooled me! As to OBL's popularity; I can remember back when the US was backing him and AlQuida when they were bucking the Soviet Union some years ago; he was made out to be some sort of a folk hero - like a cross between che Gueverra (sp?) and Robin Hood. The press gave glowing reports of how he had restored law, order, and a semblance of decency to a formerly renegade and savage culture, where women were routinely raped and Opium-running warlords constanly feuded for power, butchering hapless civilians who got in their way. Then the Soviets went away, and we kind of forgot about Afghanistan and OBL, didn't we? The next we heard from him he was implicated in blowing up an American Embassy or two here and there, and then the parking garage of the World Trade Centers. Despite that apparant display of ingratittude, Bill Clinton did not seem to think that OBL needed messing with, so he was left to plot and ultimately succeed in finishing the job he started in NYC, as well as score some points on the Pentagon on that infamous attack of 9/11/01. And those pictures of women getting their brains blown out on the soccer field in Kabul for crossing the street with the wrong man (or, I suspect, saying "no" to the wrong ElQuida thug) did little to endear Mr. BinLadden to the American People, generally. As far as all of those "roads and hospitals" etc. OBL was supposed to have provided for the People of Afghanistan, according to Sen. Murray, if there was any such infrastructure created other than to facilitate the military objectives of Elquida, I am not aware of it. So when Sen. Murray started portraying BinLadden as a folk hero and adult role model to some American children, she may have scored some points in the People's Republic of California, and perhaps a few in her home utopia of Washington as well... but as far as most of the rest of America is concerned, it seems that she may have stepped in some deep do-doo. I wonder if she really plays a Gibson. Does anyone know? Thanks for your prompt illumination upon my curiosity/ignorance. Well... she kinda LOOKS like a Folk Singer, now doesn't she?