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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Uncle Jaque BS: Roe v. Wade: Last Anniversary? (140* d) RE: BS: Roe v. Wade: Last Anniversary? 22 Jan 03

Gosh, we can hope so, can't we?

Come on now; over 44 Million unborn babies cut to shreds, poisoned, suctioned out and flushed down the toilet since R.v.W. ... and that's NOT ENOUGH for you? And you hold yourselves up as the champions of "Compassion"?

Give me a bloody break, eh?

You "Progressives" might want to stock up on kleenex, Komrades; it's apt to be a hard year for you "free-love and kill-the-consequences" Libbies. With all due respect to otherwise fine Musicians and dandy people, the current resurgence of American awareness of the Sanctity of Human Life and Common Sense is long overdue, in my humble opinion.

And don't insult what limited intelligence I might claim with newspeak goobledygook about "Choice"; Do women get to "choose" to pack a 9mm automatic around the park in most American cities to disuade your misunderstood welfare and dope-sucking darlings from raping and perhaps murdering her? Don't think so.

Does she have any "choice" as to where she sends her children to be educated in a manner consistant with her Family traditions or religious convictions when she is not wealthy enogh to pay both living expenses, taxes, and tuition to a competent Private School?
Off they go to your Socialist Government forced monopoly PC NEA indoctrination centers, at the point of a Government gun if need be.

Choice, Hell; kindly cut the BS and buck up, Komrades. Now you know how WE felt for the last 8 years of your illustrious Klinton Syndicate.

Get used to it.

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