Rather than pay $40 for someone to hair one of these old bows for me (Re: "Fiddles in the Attic" Topic) I bought a bundle of "Siberian" hair at the Music Shop for around $9. Now all I need is some directions on how to perform this trick, so as to learn how to do it as well as get a playable bow (hopefully!). Could anyone kindly put a link up here where I might be properly edified? A set of D'Addario "Pro-Arte'" Perlon core strings were purchaced and put on - I'm not sure if I wound the strings right, but after tuning it to the piano as best as I could, it sounds pretty good when stroked with the little bow borrowed from Daughter's old bowed psaltry. I was able to coax several notes out of it after a little trial-and-error practice. Speaking of which - the Music Shop was all sold out of fiddle primers. Could anyone suggest any websites with the basic, elementary fundamentals of fiddling? I will playing mostly Celtic, Folk, and perhaps a little Bluegrass when & if I ever do get the hang of this old fiddle. Thanks in advance - Uncle Jaque from Maine