Try that in North Korea. Or Bhagdad, for that matter. I got about as close to North Korea as I ever care to, thank you very much - up to the DMZ a couple of times. At least as close as I care to under the current Management. We had 81 American combat casualties in the Republic of Korea and within the DMZ over the year that I was stationed with the 8th Army in Kimpo - 1968, and for most of that year the Kongsan held the Crew of the USS PUEBLO hostage under deplorable abuse and duress. Korean Nationals we worked with remembered having to watch their Parents being tortured to death for witholding the last bit of rice that might keep their children alive through the Winter, or re-taking the quonset huts we were quartered in at the time after a Kongsan (North Korean)advance to find American MP's who were a little too slow to retreat hanging by the feet from the rafters, having been skun alive and left to die in unfathomable agony. We notice that most of the Korean anti-American "Peace Activists" seem to be a little too young to have experienced all of that, while the seldom-covered by the media "Pro-American" Demonstrators usually contain at least a few who probably do remember. And don't want it to ever happen again. But me thinks you misunderstood the jist of the above missives. Jeeze; I hope you're right there, Sandy. So re-read and try again. OK; I'll do that.