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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Rita64 Falling in Love with Mudcatters (112* d) RE: Falling in Love with Mudcatters 28 Jun 99

Quite often I visit Mudcat just to marvel at the witty UFBS (Unadulterated Facetious Bull Shit). I love your brains.

It is so wonderful NOT to have faces to match your names. If only you could see the "lovable" images formed in my headspace when I read messages posted by annap, Art, Big Mick, seed, katlaughing, Alice, Fadac etc. You are bodiless creatures with caricature faces. I wonder how many of my imaginings are similar to the flesh and blood? Scary thought - in my mind Art resembles that smartypants heckling old guy with the moustache from The Muppet Show. Tee hee hee - and Fadac has dark hair and always wears khaki green and I imagine Big Mick in denim overalls. I won't even mention Matthew B. (this forum is G rated isn't it?)

I don't often contribute - usually because someone else has stolen the "original" thought I want to express.


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