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Uncle Jaque March Shanty Session at the Press Room (NH) (74* d) RE: March Shanty Session at the Press Room (NH) 07 Mar 03

Thanks, CN; Lord knows my navigation leaves much to be desired around Portland - Portsmouth would be a hopeless cause!

Every time I get off the beaten path through Portland I wonder if I'll ever be seen or heard from again. It took me about an hour to find Keith's Sewing Machine shop from Congress St. the other day to get some needles for my old treadle Singer.

There are several alternative options for Sat. PM, including a rally with, err.. "the other crowd I hang with" (this can be weird, but terribly interesting) in Brunswick and a New England Pot Roast supper in North Yarmouth...Plus we have yet to see "Gods and Generals" and this might be the last weekend it's around.
it's gonna be tough!

Is there a landline or cell number you could PM me in order to get directions should I elect to head South?

I have been a little distracted from the 'Cat lately on some other forums and issues - I sort of found myself rather spontaniously out between the ideological trenches of the two "crowds I hang with" being somewhat of a "peace activist" in order to keep some of them from hurting each other... how weird is that?!

My E-mail has been funky lately, too; have updated and scanned with Norton 2000 revised and no hits, but we've gotta wonder.

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